• Neuro Diverse Talk & Therapeutic Poetry Workshop

    Join James Bulman and Jacqui O’Connell for an eye-opening exploration of neurodiversity. We’ll delve into why being different isn’t a weakness, but rather a superpower waiting to be unleashed. What You’ll Gain: Event Details: Event Details: Limited Spots Available Don’t miss this opportunity to embrace your neurodiversity and tap into your hidden potential. Reserve your place today: Contact Jacqui at jacqui@spiritus.org.uk. DOWNLOAD THE FLYER

  • Spiritus is Applying for Charity Status

    We are excited to announce that Spiritus is in the process of applying for charity status. We believe that this is an important step in our mission to provide high-quality, affordable alternative education to our young people. As a charity,…

  • Chinese Dragon Sculpture

    Our young people have created an awesome Chinese Dragon they will dancing with in the lobby of 245 Hammersmith Road, where Spiritus is situated. The show will take approximately 10 minutes and will start at 11:30am on Monday 4th March…

  • Spiritus Coffee Mornings in 2024

    We’re beginning a series of coffee mornings, happening every first Tuesday of the month. Feel free to stop by between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm on the following dates:

  • New eductional programme in January 2024

    10-13 year olds We will offer a programme for 10-13 year olds that uses an umbrella format, with three days of learning on different subjects: This is a sample schedule. There will be a theme each term. Each day will…

  • Thank you to ToolChest

    A local company called ToolChest donated our woodwork tools – THANK YOU! Company profile Tool Chest is a family run business which opened in September 1984. Begun by Ian McCarroll, himself a contract builder, the Tool Chest crew have always…

  • Lottery Grant Application

    Spiritus has been able to apply for a lottery grant due to memberships being paid. We have more furniture and have been able to purchase the necessary material. We did not receive this grant. Moving forward we will apply for…