My Story

When my daughter expressed a desire for an alternative to traditional secondary school, I embarked on a journey to explore options within our Hammersmith community. There, I discovered a thriving homeschooling network and immersed myself in its vibrant atmosphere. While the community was fantastic, I envisioned a centralised space where homeschoolers could gather for shared activities and learning experiences.

This idea, a long-held dream, began to take shape with the encouragement of friends and family. Starting in my own kitchen, I collaborated with local community leaders to find a suitable location. And so, Spiritus was born.

As I delved deeper into the concept, it became clear that many young people were struggling with stress, emotional challenges, and a mismatch with traditional education. Our homeschooling community reinforced this, highlighting a need for a different approach to learning.

I wanted Spiritus to be a haven for these young individuals, offering a nurturing environment where they could explore their passions and potential. Respect, open communication, and a relaxed atmosphere were fundamental to our approach. Recognising the importance of sleep during adolescence, we adopted a later start time to align with students’ natural rhythms.

From humble beginnings in my kitchen in 2019, Spiritus officially opened its doors at 245 Hammersmith Road in April 2021. Since then, we’ve been dedicated to providing a supportive and inspiring learning community for young people.

Jacqui O’Connell