Frequently Asked Questions

How many days does my child have to attend?

As many as you wish. There are no rules with this.

Do I have to stay onsite?

You can drop your child off and they can arrive and go home alone if you give them permission.

What is the situation with tests and exams?

This was my biggest question when I started homeschooling and every other mum and dad I talk to. At Spiritus we believe that tests are not always necessary to know where a YP is at with their learning. Instead, we actively monitor their progress in our learning activities. Our understanding is exams are made for those who can memorise information. Those who lack this ability are being set up to fail. By creating a portfolio on a YP’s interest alongside learning Maths & English they have all they need to gain a place on most college courses. They are excited, not burned out, and have a passion to learn more.

This is a hard one to get your head around if you have only ever known the school system. Many independent schools are droping GCSE’s and implementing project work throughout the year because of the impact on young peoples mental wellbeing.

One question to ponder on: Why were exams created? Answer: To assess a childs knowledge. This can be done on a regualr basis during sessions. Children do not need to have the pressure of memorising subjects they have no interest in. Do you study a subject you have no interest in? It should not be a thing because of age. The sole purpose of attending an education place should be to nurture a childs innate knowing.

College, apprenticeships, entrepreneurship – when a YP shows clearly a subject they have a natural skill and interest in, we will do our best to guide them to build a portfolio and learn as much as possible about their subject to take into their working world or higher education. This can be done using our careers talk time.

If you take exams, why IGCSE?

GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education.  They are the exams that teens generally take at age 16 and are usually (but not always) followed by A Levels (Advanced Level Exams).  Because GCSEs often have a coursework component, homeschoolers frequently turn to IGCSEs.  These are International GCSEs and are 100% exams, with no coursework or practicals. This enables homeschoolers to be examined to the same standards as their schooled counterparts, giving them the same opportunities with regards to the job market and further education.

IGCSEs are also thought to be more academically rigorous, with many independent schools opting for these in preference to GCSEs.  State schools are also now being given the freedom to pursue IGCSEs as well as GCSEs.  Also in their favour, they are internationally recognised qualifications which is helpful if working abroad is a possibility.

As long as you have a grade in Math & English Language you will get a college space.

You can also enroll on a college course and take Maths & English exams alongside your chosen subject. This generally means you will start on a foundation course.

The best advice on higher eduaction is to contact the college/school your child wishes to attend and have a chat with them, asking what their requirements are fomr a homeschooler/flexi school.

What are your policies?

Where can I find the forms that I need to download?

Please click here to access to our forms.

What is your complaints procedure?

At Spiritus, all complaints are taken seriously and followed up thoroughly to ensure we provide the best service possible.

The set procedure is to be followed to address each case and find an appropriate outcome to resolve the issue and work towards making sure the issue does not arise again.

How to make your complaint

Complaints can be made in various ways. We ask you to action your complaint by:

  • A written letter handed into Jacqui O’Connell.
  • Send an email to the following email address:  
  • Call Jacqui O’Connell to raise your issues on the following number: 07971 690678

Information to be provided

Please provide as much detail as you can to help us with the problem. The following are a few details which will help:

  • Say what the problem is.
  • Say what outcome you are looking for.
  • Provide information on any relevant communication on the subject.
  • Address a complaint to the person responsible, with the name of the YP in question, if you have their name.

What we do next

We will reply in writing or by telephone within 7 days of receiving the complaint. We will give you a reply telling you what is being done to deal with your complaint. All complaints are taken seriously and fully investigated with the individual/s involved. You will be fully informed on how we have dealt with the complaint.

Download Complaints Procedure Policy