New eductional programme in January 2024
10-13 year olds
We will offer a programme for 10-13 year olds that uses an umbrella format, with three days of learning on different subjects:
- Day 1: Sewing, woodwork, art, and circus skills
- Day 2: Coding, maths, and science
- Day 3: History, geography, and current news
This is a sample schedule. There will be a theme each term. Each day will be five hours long, and the subjects will be integrated together.
14-16 year olds
14-16 year olds will work on modules in maths, science, English, and one or two other subjects of their choice. They will work on the modules at their own pace, with the help of facilitators. They will receive a certificate for each module they complete, and they will have the option to take an exam at the end of the programme.