Join Us & Membership


We offer one trial session per child, so you can come and try us out. To book your session go to the timetable page and select the session you wish to trial, entering the code ‘trial’ at checkout to receive a 50% discount.

Or you may have heard such great things about us that you want to dive straight in.


We offer a 3rd sibling discount of 50%. Please contact for details.


Fees for each term are to be paid via our booking system Pembee. You may also pay by credit/debit card or cash. We also offer an instalment plan, please contact for further details.


All workshop prices can be found on the timetable page under each specific subject.


We will always email you with the details of the cost of any additional books or materials that may be needed for science, tech, and art classes. In some cases, we will include an Amazon product link in the description and ask you to purchase the product directly and bring it on the first day of class.


An annual non-refundable fee of £30 for each child will be implemented 4 weeks after starting Spiritus. This enables us to buy extra items required throughout the year. Please pay via bank transfer (details below):

Spiritus Democratic Education Ltd

Sort Code: 608371

Account 16590199

Reference: please write – M/S and your Name

We ask you to read this with your Young Person so they are aware of what is expected from them when they attend Spiritus.

The lobby of 245, where we meet you, is an active working space so please be mindful of this when you are in this area. YP people are asked to talk quietly and sit correctly on furniture. Office workers may be in a meeting or online and do not wish to be disturbed.

Use the door on the side of the building. Push and hold the GREEN button to access and leave the building. YP are not allowed to use the swing doors.

YP CANNOT sit in the lobby unaccompanied. If they arrive on their own they need to wait outside the building until a facilitator arrives. If they arrive in the middle of the day they need to approach the reception staff to let us know they are here and we will come down to collect them.

YP must be assisted in the lift at all times. They must never be in a lift on their own. So when you drop your YP off, please travel to the 6th floor with them. You can also come to our floor to collect your YP. Alternatively, you can leave your YP with a Spiritus member of staff in the lobby of 245 at the beginning of the day and we will bring them down to you at the end of the day.

Toilets – boys, girls, and staff on the 6th floor.

Read the timetable thoroughly as it has all the information you need to know.

Mobile phones are to be placed into the box labeled PHONES when your YP arrives for their session. They can only be used in a session when a facilitator requires them to. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO YOUR YP AS SOME YP REFUSE TO, WHICH MAKES IT UNFAIR TO THOSE WHO COMPLY. THIS RULE IS TO ENCOURAGE YOUR YP TO BE SOCIAL WITH EACH OTHER AND TO HELP THEM CONCENTRATE IN SESSIONS. This is in place as we have had unwelcoming soical media behaviour.

We expect all YP to be respectful towards our facilitators at all times by listening and focusing. If your YP cannot do this they will be asked to sit out until they can take part in a respectful way. We also expect YP to be respectful to each other at all times.

We ask YP to only attend workshops they are interested in and want to learn.

YP must always have their workbook and pencil case to use, and keep loose worksheets together in a folder with their name on it.

Be ready and willing to clean and sweep their work area when asked to help.

Be willing and ready to clean water cups when asked.

Please ensure your YP wears clothing which is suitable for the session they are booked in for.

Fire drills are practiced regularly.

Please ensure your YP always has enough food and drink for the time they are with us. NO NUTS. Water is provided and your YP is welcome to bring in their own reusable cup or bottle to use. Cups are available.

Information for Parents.

Please arrive with your YP 10 minutes before the session starts.

Please collect your YP no later than 10 minutes after their session ends.

Your YP should have all of the following stationery every time they attend – writing pads, art sketch pad, pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, colouring pencils/pens and sharpener.

Please check your emails and our timetable frequently as this is how you will be informed of any changes.

Support your YP’s work at home and encourage self led research in topics they are interested in. We are a supplement to your child’s education. For 3 days we are giving as much diversity as possible. Jodi offers 1-2-1 tuition. We also have teen sessions on Thursdays – all independently run.

We encourage YP to be entrepreneurial and with permission, they can sell their items in our venue. Please contact Jacqui to arrange.

LUNCH – we have a fridge onsite your YP can use. YP can also order ubereats etc..with your permission or bring in a pack lunch.

The lobby area can also be used to socialise or work in if you wish to use it. It has a coffee shop and plenty of tables with power points and wifi. Our floor is also open for you to be in – with or without work. The more the merrier as it helps us out. Wifi also available. Meet other parents too.

You can bring in younger siblings to use our space, do your own workshop with them, use our Art and Sewing space with them. We ask them not to run around when sessions are on.

If you can bring any other YP with you by public transport or car please contact Jacqui to let her know.

Volunteer your time. This can be done by giving an hour or more regularly each term, offering skills such as Social Media, book keeping, computers kept updated,fund raising, assist in sessions, cleaning and tidying our space.

Any items brought in by your YP are their responsibility. We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.

Any sessions with less than 6 people signed up will be cancelled. You will be given 48 hours notice.

Circumstances for Refunds
Course cancelled by SpiritusPro-rated refund for any remaining sessions, or full refund if the course has not started.
Session missed by Learner No Refund
Session missed by TeacherRefund on request if a substitute is not scheduled or a make-up is not scheduled
Learner removed from classNo Refund
Materials or Text Purchased from Spiritus
Full refund if returned unused on or before the day of the first class meeting
Classes dropped before the start of the term ( 5 days notice) will receive a full refund.
Classes dropped after the first day of the term and within the two-week drop period will receive a partial refund – minus the workshops attended plus a £10 admin fee.
Classes dropped after the two-week drop period will receive no refund.
Refund Policy
One-time workshop or short-term courseNo refund within 48 hours of the start of the offering
Field TripsNo refund
Camps30 days or more from start date of camp: 50% refund. Two weeks or more from start date of camp: 0% refund.